So Many Smokes: Tips For Choosing The Right ProductSo Many Smokes: Tips For Choosing The Right Product

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So Many Smokes: Tips For Choosing The Right Product

As a long-time smoker, I've tried many different products and types of tobacco. Each one has its own unique characteristics. After becoming somewhat of a connoisseur, I decided to start sharing what I've learned about each of the ones that I've tried, and those I've researched but haven't yet sampled. No matter what you're looking for in a tobacco product or vape solution, there's sure to be information on this site that will help you make the right selection. I hope that my experience and research can help you to find just the right blend or product for your goals.


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tips for Gifting Cigars

Cigars are a popular gift choice. But if you've never given a cigar as a gift before, there can be a bit of a learning curve, especially if you're not a dedicated cigar smoker yourself. The following are some guidelines to follow to ensure your recipient fully enjoys the cigar or cigars you give them.

1. Aim for quality, not quantity.

Most cigar smokers do not smoke them all day, every day. They might smoke one cigar every weekend, or even just one cigar every couple of weeks. As such, you really don't need to give 10 or 15 cigars for an enjoyable gift. You are better off aiming for quality, not quantity. Buy one or two really good cigars from a top-quality brand rather than five cheaper cigars. You'll be giving your recipient one really nice cigar-smoking experience, rather than five passably okay ones. 

2. Don't buy until you're ready to give.

Cigars need to be stored carefully. You should not just leave them out on the counter or in your glove box. Cigar vendors know exactly how to store them to preserve them properly. So, you're best off not buying the cigar until you're ready to give it. Let the cigar vendor store them for as long as possible. When you do buy the cigar, put it in a plastic, resealable bag to ensure it does not end up being exposed to any excess moisture. Even a few minutes in a too-moist environment can damage the cigar.

3. Include any literature about the cigars you buy.

Cigar smokers are often connoisseurs. They like to read and learn about the cigars they are smoking. So, if the cigar vendor includes a pamphlet or informational card with the cigar you buy, make sure you package that up with the gift. If you are not given any informational cards, ask if there is one the vendor can give you. Your recipient will enjoy being able to read while they smoke.

4. Include a cigar cutter.

If you think your recipient may smoke the cigar soon after you give it to them, then include a cigar cutter with it. This way, they won't have to go home or go buy a cutter before smoking the cigar. They can smoke it then and there if they want—and without having to get creative about cutting the end.

Giving cigars as a gift is a lovely gesture. With the tips above, it's an even more lovely gesture. Learn more by contacting companies that sell Drew Estate cigars.